
MP Scale Rotary Encoders and Linear Scales

MP SCALE is a non-physical contact, ultra-precision position detector used for detecting linear or angular position utilizing the inductive coupling principle. The manufacture and sale of MP Scale was started with the technical cooperation of INDUCTOSYN Co. in U.S. since 1970.

MP Scale detects the amount of movement of a machine and outputs an analog signal. This signal is converted into a digital signal by an A/D converter and fed back to the NC system. Thus the machine can be controlled accurately by the fully closed-loop NC system based on the position feedback data from MP SCALE.

The control method which detects the last position (or angle) of the machine with the use of MP Scale detectors, and return detected data to NC equipment in order to move the machine to the target position (or angle).

These products are commonly called INDUCTOSYN scales and INDUCTOSYN rotary encoders.

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MP Scale Overview
MP Scale provides machines with stable and highly accurate position detection!
Stable position detection unaffected by dust, oil and condensation
Long-term stable position detection without wear or deterioration over time
High accurate position detection unaffected by temperature changes during machining
MP Scale
Angle detection for lathes and machining centers.
Linear position detection for various machine tools.
Linear position detection of fast moving FA equipment.

MP Scale detectors are precision rotary and linear encoders produced starting in 1970 by Nidec Machine Tool (then: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) through a technical partnership with Inductosyn Co. in USA.

Inductive Coupling Position Detection
MP Scale detectors utilize position detection by inductive coupling.
Optical Position Detection
Optical position detection runs the risk of position detection error due to dirt and dust (Shading object)
Magnetic Position Detection
Magnetic position detection runs the risk of position detection errors due to metal chips (Magnetic materials)

Contactless Position Detection
MP Scale detectors utilize contactless operation providing long-term stable position detection without wear or deterioration over time.
Covered Type Scales
The problem with covered type scales:
・It is necessary to prevent the intrusion of dust with air purge (compressed air).
・Maintenance is required against deterioration of bearings and springs, and wear of lip seals

Same Thermal Expansion as a Machine
Raw material of the scale is the same steel material as the machine.

⇒ Scale and machine have the same thermal expansion ≒ 11.0✕10-6K(m)
With MP Scale detectors, temperature changes during machining do not affect machining accuracy.

For more technical details, visit Nidec Japan -- MP Scale product page.

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